Simon went through some things to look out for, either stay away from these trends or research into them.
Trends -
Decline of Skeuomorphism - This when things are designed to look real even though you know they're not because they're on a website.
There is no real point to this, I don't even think this looks good.
Rise of flat design - Things are having less rendering and being made to look 2D rather than the once pop. Again Apple are the company to think of, they have changed the ios look
I've looked at this website that holds hundreds of single page websites. It's a good resource, I think single page websites are slightly easy to use.
One Page Love
This was one of the websites I looked at, and because theres a big image it looked like it would be dead slow. At first it wasn't but going to the different pages, likes gigs etc it did load slow again. The firs 5 seconds are when you decide to look at it or not, and this lost me half way through.
This website is ultra trendy. It's one page and flat design, I quite like the look of flat design because it's easier to look at I find. My website will be about hand rendered type so I don't think there will be much need for 3D look.
Responsive Website Designs are for a website that would be used at different sizes such as an Ipad, Iphone and normal computer screen. Grids are used to make sure when it is resized it stays the same, the screen resolution would be 72.
Type based websites, I thought, would be purely type, but I've came across this one that uses image quite well with type.
This website, is a personal website for a designer in Seattle called Weston Vierregger. I only know his last name because of the website I used to find him. His website is really well designed, it has a lot of clever details, like the type fading as you scroll. However, it's very hard to work out his full name, and to contact him.