Thursday, 20 March 2014

Communication is a Virus

After the presentation we had to decide on the important elements like what the cost will be, how many of whatever we will make etc.

We decided that we needed to go onto twitter and Instagram and promote our group. Using these sites are really helpful because it is easy for messages to be passed around and hopefully something go viral.

Logo - We wanted to have a simple logo that worked well at small sizes because of twitter and Instagram pages we wanted to have.

This logo works really well, it fits well into the space for the sites and the steps show movement and relay the idea of commuting.

For around the college we made posters that were put up all over. Luckily because Rory asked in person at Student Services they were happy for the posters to go up.

I think the books were the best and most important part of this project. Although because we made about 50 but then only half worked well it meant not everyone got one, lessening the viral effect, I still think it encouraged people to take part.

Book binding was a lengthy task but as well all did around 10 or more each it was easier. Using a saddle stitch was appropriate because it meant the book was flexible and portable. We thought that making it small would make it fit in someones pocket or bag really easily for their commute, this is also why the corners are rounded. 

We screen printed the logo on the back and front, this is because the white prints a lot better onto coloured card than digital print. I also think its a really nice look to it and makes it more special.
Obviously we could only make so many so this part isn't viral but when submissions go online the book becomes known as well.

I really liked the idea of this project, but think as a group we didn't work that well. Ironically, communication was a problem. People would say they will do something and get it finish it before discussing with the group. Also the week apart was difficult to work with because I find it a lot easier to generate ideas etc talking to someone face to face, rather than Facebook.
Also the interest after our final presentation dropped totally, we didn't really keep going with the submission ideas. I think this was because everyone just moved onto the next brief like normal.

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