Thursday, 20 March 2014

Screen Print, Development

After the comment about making the beard more real looking rather than so fake and vectorised, I went back to editing it. 

I started with using a real image of a beard and image tracing it on illustrator to get this vectorised look. Then again playing around with the colours. The four different colours are the ones I want to look at and decide.

Yellow for the power - but will it be legible?
Blue for the suits and professionalism 
Pink to show humour 
Green to see if it looked good - not a fan.

I also looked at printing onto one of the colours, but I think it will make the beard hard to see and probably have the colour within it, which I don't want.

With the final four, I asked my housemates and people on the course which colour works best and which one do you look at first.

The most popular was pink which I thought was quite odd, my favourite was the yellow. I have decided to go with the pink however, because I think that the yellow might be too bright and not legible. 
The pink relates more to the humour of the film.

Mini Crit
When I asked my housemates and course mates a lot of them didn't realise it was a a beard, which made me worry. So I decide to use an even more detailed beard, with visible hairs and lips.

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