Monday, 24 March 2014

Writing our own brief workshop

Today we went into groups to work on writing our own brief.

We listed 5 things we didn't know before starting first year

Then we looked at two of the problems and tried to make it into more of a detailed problem.

Then have required elements to solve the problem, in order to write a decent brief.

This workshop really helped to teach us how to be able to write our own briefs and word it right so that it's understandable.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Screen Print, Editing

Although I know I'm not going to go with this idea I was still curious as to what it would look like and if it worked better.
I think it does work better being at the top because that's what you see first, the most important part of the poster.

Screen Print, Session

This is the screen print I did in the session. I really enjoyed the session and screen printing.

I mixed the red with quite a true red and some dark pink, which created quite a vibrant reddy pink. I checked what it would look like with a smear test on paper, and I liked the result.

I did the same for the brown beard, using light and dark browns, which turned out to be qite like. I did the test and think it suited the red really well.

I'm really pleased with the result, and think it really works for the film.

Screen Print, Further Development

Once it was realised that the beard didn't look like a beard I chose another photo to work with, and edited it to look more textured and real. 

Editing this beard like this works a lot better, it is definitely more clear what it's supposed to be and more interesting to look at, because of the detail.

I put this poster together using the a darker red than first planned, because pink was quite light and girly. I still want to show the manly this of this film, so by using a darker kind of red makes it look a bit more serious. I asked a few people what they thought, most people were more in favour of this beard versus the the more vectored one. 
Joe in the class suggested converting it so the matching red from the type came through the beard. I really liked this idea, but when it came to doing it, I don't think it worked that well. 

However after that I swapped it around so that it was just the lines that were red, which I really liked.

 I really liked the inverted version of the beard. I think the lightness of it related to the confusion and question, What Just Happened?

I tried it with the black type but decided I wanted the beard and type similar colours.
However, they should be different because it's a two colour screen print.

So I went back to the beard and darkened it a bit more to a more natural brown, it make the beard look real.

When it came to preparing the negatives and positives I realised that I had to have it the first way, with more dark. This was because I couldn't change the inverse again, so couldn't change it to black. This was really annoying, but because my screen print session is a week before hand in, I may try to change it and print it that way. Depending on how happy I am with the screen prints.

Screen Print, Development

After the comment about making the beard more real looking rather than so fake and vectorised, I went back to editing it. 

I started with using a real image of a beard and image tracing it on illustrator to get this vectorised look. Then again playing around with the colours. The four different colours are the ones I want to look at and decide.

Yellow for the power - but will it be legible?
Blue for the suits and professionalism 
Pink to show humour 
Green to see if it looked good - not a fan.

I also looked at printing onto one of the colours, but I think it will make the beard hard to see and probably have the colour within it, which I don't want.

With the final four, I asked my housemates and people on the course which colour works best and which one do you look at first.

The most popular was pink which I thought was quite odd, my favourite was the yellow. I have decided to go with the pink however, because I think that the yellow might be too bright and not legible. 
The pink relates more to the humour of the film.

Mini Crit
When I asked my housemates and course mates a lot of them didn't realise it was a a beard, which made me worry. So I decide to use an even more detailed beard, with visible hairs and lips.

Screen Print, Crit

 I presented these three designs for the crit and asked two questions.

= A lot of suits, dark colours, power and fast pace

- Can't find a good colour to work with, any suggestions?
- Do you know what the things in design 2 are?

Feedback Highlights

For the bluetooth design - centre one image of it, balance layout.
Don't like bluetooth, too cluttered.
Not easy to tell what it is.
Not the foggiest idea what it is.

For beard design - Make it more textured and less vectored. 
Half tone the beard.

For De Niro design - Might not be able to use his face.
Use a coloured outline.

A lot of people suggested drawing a suit, on it's own or with a suit. Although I liked this idea I have more vision with the beard, because of the suggestion to make it more textured. 

Screen Print, Digitals

I vectorised an image of an ear with a bluetooth piece in it, so I could get block colours of it for the screen print. It also gave an interesting texture I thought looked quite good. I wasn't sure on any colours so went through quite a few, the film is mainly male cast wearing suits, so thought the darker blues would be more appropriate. I think the typeface works quite well, but possibly should put it at the top. So that you read the title of the film first, this image is quite hard to work out, so by reading the title it may help. 


 Although the brief was to create a poster from a Bruce Willis film, I wanted to use Robert De Niro's face because he is the main character and has a very recognisable face. I started with a few different images of his face and vectorise them, the final image worked well because it actually looked like him. Unlike the first image. Again I looked at a few different colours.

Yellow/gold means shows power, which I wanted to incorporate, i think it works well as a banner behind the black text. It wouldn't work that well in yellow text. 
Red for this poster shows the anger and frustration within in the film, it is quite stressful so I wanted to use red to evoke those emotions. 
Grey and brown were colours to show sophistication and the suits the men wear. I wanted to show the professionalism of the film with quite professional looking colours. 
Black probably looks the best but I definitely want to use two colours.

Im not sure if I'm able to use De Niro's face for copyright, but I think my beard idea is the strongest, so if not I don't mind.

I've went through a range of colours to see if what colours suit this beard, if I should go for a fake non natural one or try to make it look real.
I think at the minute because it is a pure vector it can be any colour, I like the red one probably the most. 
I want to play with the colours, this film is quite funny so i think with having an ultra manly image, like a beard but in pink relates back to how this film is predominately male but with funny twists. Also the most powerful character is actually a woman which is also shown with the hot pink.

Screen Print, Initial Ideas

I watched the film and noted things down of what I thought were themes and main focal points.

Communication was a massive key point in this film, the characters are always on the phone to each other via bluetooth. 

So that's why I've drawn a couple of ideas using that.

The very top thumbnail is two ears with bluetooth pieces in them, facing inwards to show contact and interaction, like a conversation.

The second thumbnail is one of the main points in the film, featuring Bruce Willis. Robert De Niro's character is threatened with a law suit when Bruce Willis refuses to shave his beard. I think an image of a beard might look quite good, without a real face people may ask who is it? What's has just happened? 

The first thumbnail here is a kind of hierarchy pyramid. The film is about power and how De Niro's character is losing his, so this is the pyramid of the highest power in the film industry. 
It was interesting to find out that the producer is the most important role, however I don't think this design will look good. It's busy and hard to look at and work out.

The second thumbnail is a simple film clapper with the title of the film on. I don't think this a strong idea, it's very obvious and an easy way out to depict a film about a film.

The final thumbnail is an idea of just working with type. Rather than using image, I thought a large question mark with the title could work. I don't know if I want to carry that on however because it is two colour screen print, using an image will be more interesting. Also I think it doesn't show anything about the film, the tones, the themes or relate to anything really.

The first thumbnail is just the bluetooth piece with the title of the film there as if it was the brand or logo, trying to show how important and vital this bit of tech is in the film, since most dialogue is over this. Also having it as a brand identity, brands the film and gives the film the same kind of identity.

The second thumbnail is two ears with the bluetooth pieces in, to show a conversation but also create some space for communication. I quite like this idea however I'm not sure if people understand what the image is and what it is supposed to be showing.

The third thumbnail was a quick idea trying to show the idea that the film is a film about the film industry and how it all ends at Cannes, so maybe using that would be able to communicate that.

For most of these I have used block capitals, I instantly wanted to use upper case because it the sentence is more of a statement to me.

I have tried using lower case, for the red carpet idea, to make it more glamorous, but I don't think it works that well.

Also I have used a question mark at times to see if it works better as a question, and I don't think it does. The title needs to be bold and strong, so a statement suits it a lot more than a question.

Type Journal 23

Saw this on a side of a van, thought the typeface worked really well for the word boutique. It makes it look like a modern boutique rather than an old vintage one, because normally the word boutique is in a script font.

Type Journal 22

This is the label that goes on the clothes for SABBC, I really like the top lettering, but unfortunately can't work out what it says or stands for.

Type Journal 21

This is from the clothing brand, Skull and Bones Boys Club, they have a very interesting and strong brand idenity and I really like this typeface. It suits the edgy kind of stlye the brand has.

Type Journal 20

This typeface is really appropriate for what its selling. That font has been adopted by the american college era and I think any one can look at it and agree it suits its target audience. 

Type Journal 19

When researching the Newcastle Brown Ale label I came across this font, which I think I like but not for the word Newcastle. It's a bit anglo saxon looking. 

Type Journal 18

When i saw this I think I was researching a brief, and thought this was quite a nice typeface.

I like the way the 's' drops down which emphasises it, which make you say it that way.

Communication is a Virus

This was the proposal we had to do to get to the final idea. Although we knew we were going to go with Creative Commute, we still showed the class the other 2 ideas.