My chosen subject is First World Problems
The problem can be discussed whether it is a real problem or not. From a first world point of view, a first world problem is just something you say, without thinking normally. From a third world point of view, it may not be understandable, or something very insensitive to say and take things for granted.
First world term came about in the World War 1, it was a general classification of sectors of the world. It was based on political power, the economy of the country and social progression. First world normally refers to Western countries like America and UK, with money and power.
This brief is a collection of the First world problems that people have said. It is a recording of the stupid things people take for granted and the things they say without realising. The collection will mainly focus on food because that is where I personally have found people to complain and take for granted the most. This will be satirical publication, with food imagery and quotes of stupidity.
First world problems range from food, to drink to money in peoples pockets. It's a new phrase from the last couple of years, since a lot of first world problems have been put up on the internet. With people tweeting about the lack of asparagus in Waitrose it rose to popularity as a funny thing to read. There has been different twitter feeds created, Facebook pages created and websites. These platforms don't really have a reason, they are there for people to relate to and maybe form an opinion. The publication i'm planning on making is to highlight the stupidity of what people say. I would like people to think, 'god that is a ridiculous thing to say'.
This topic is from the mouths of first world people, for first world people so the audience will understand what is going on. There isn't much that is needed to know before looking at this topic.
The publication is an exhibition of good imagery of food, highlighting the new trend of 'food porn' and using quotes of 'first world problems'
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