Thursday, 23 April 2015

Product Range and Distribution - Statement of Intent

Problem to solve - To show the problem of taking things for granted and complaining about something when it isn't a problem. 

Research Undertaken - Taken a questionnaire to understand what a first world audience would think of first world problems. 
Research into where the term came from, where it is now and how its changed. I looked at the threat of communism in the 40's but decided that is too old a subject, people could not relate as well. Real life quotes from people saying stupid things.

Time Scale - Deadline 22nd May, there is 4 weeks left to fully plan the publication, decide on design aspects and get it printed.

Avenue for practical develop - There will be a publication made, condensing all the quotes that have been gathered over the weeks. Using imagery and concentrating on food, with research into food advertisement such as M&S, the book will be tongue in cheek, highlighting the non problems of the first world.

Plan of action - I need to research further into food advertising, although already planning to make this similar to M&S, concentrate on the idea of 'food porn'. Reseaerch into that topic as well, to see if there is another angle to take this. Decide on style and amount of photos, take them, compose the book.

Week 1 - Research into food advertisements
Week 2 - Decide on how many quotes, pages, sizing of book, amount of photos
Week 3 - Take photos, compose into a publication, add type and colour etc
Week 4 - Get it printed 

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