The crit was very helpful to understand what people thought of the idea. The idea was well received however it was suggested to use the contrast of 3rd world and 1st world to demonstrate the difference further.
Although originally, the idea was to be funny and tongue in cheek, the use of 'food porn' imagery didn't communicate the contrast of the quote with the image well enough.
New Idea
Use images of 3rd world food in conjunction with the quote on the opposite page.
This idea works a lot better than using food porn, although now the tone of voice has totally changed, the message is stronger. The message of '1st world people taking things for granted', is even more poignant.
Typically when people think of 3rd world people it will be what they see on TV, with the charity adverts and kids in Africa.
For this to work well and be relevant the concentration will be on Leeds, highlighting the real poverty the city is dealing with and the sort of 3rd world element to a 1st world area.
Research into Leeds poverty
Find out about food banks in the area
Get in contact with leaders
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