Friday, 31 January 2014

Colour Theory, Pantone Matching


Yellow Selfridges bag

The bag becomes brighter against the red background, on the yellow the different tones comes through. The green dulls the yellow tone and the blue makes it stand out more.

Red peg

The saturation changes on the yellow paper as the peg becomes more bright. Its tonally darker on the red and blue paper. The hue doesn't change much. 

Green purse

The tone changes on the yellow paper as the purse becomes more yellow, and becomes more yellow in hue against the yellow paper. Against the blue it looks more green.
The red dulls the green down, as the yellow brightens it and the blue paper makes it stand out more.

Orange cupcake paper

The tone of the object changes when its put agasint the yellow paper, it beomces lighter. 
The hues are similar on the red and orange papers.
Orange dulls down in saturation due to red paper. 
It stands out against yellow.

We then colour matched the objects using the Pantone swatches

 And the same with the paper

With that information we were able to create the colour of the objects on photoshop to the nearest screen match.

These colour swatches are the matches to the paper and the colour circles below are the colour matches of the objects. 


It was difficult to match these colours exact because Photoshop did not have the exact same stock options as us such as coated matte etc.

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