Thursday, 5 February 2015

Product, Range and Distribution - Research

Where did the first world and third world terms come from?

First world

After the cold war in the 1940's the United Nations began calling the richer countries first world.
They were first world because they had political, social and economic relevance. They were mainly capitalist, industrial more developed and wealthy.
In the modern world these first world countries now have modern technology, high standards of living and influence in the world.

Second world 

Second world refers to countries that were socialist during the Cold War and involved in the Soviet Union. 
There was 19 communist states during the Cold War but after there is only 5 socialist states left including China, Cuba etc. 
Nowadays the states that left the socialist world are underprivileged capitalist countries. 

Third World

This term also came about in the 1940's during the Cold War. This was to organise and generalise the world's population. Third world countries came from colonial histories such as Africa, Asia etc. However some people meant it to the countries that weren't aligned with anyone. 

These terms are seriously outdated, they were invented to generalise a world's population during a massive war. It's odd that the terms are still in use and in a funny way. However they are still used in the correct context. First world problems are all about the political, social, economic and cultural differences. 

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