Monday, 23 February 2015

Product, Range and Distribution - Primary Research

I have been gathering stupid things people say in order to possibly use on what I produce, but also for research.

'I wanna stay and get drunk but I've got to go eat'

'I'm really really full but wanna eat cos I'm bored'

'I'm meant to be eating loads, but haven't'

'Awww, someone give me the strength to eat the rest of this'

'Nothing worse than...'

Snapchat story 'forever eating out'

'Should eat but I just can't be arsed to get up'

'Ah such a problem I can eat and eat there's so much food'

'I'm embarrassed about how much freezer food I have'

Product, Range and Distribution - Twitter Pages

There are dedicated twitter and Facebook feeds to do with first world problems and even just for people of Waitrose.

Looking at these feeds I personally laugh at them. It's more laughing at what the person has said because it is ridiculous. Looking at these has gave me confidence that using humour with this topic can be appropriate.

The target audience will be first world people, based in Britain and the problems will be stupid and out of touch with the rest of the world, but very relatable if you fall in that category. People need to be able to laugh at themselves, so this is what I want to do.

Reliability is what makes people laugh, comedians are people who stand on stage and talk about things that everyone does. So with whatever I produce I want it to be funny and relatable.  

Product, Range and Distribution - Survey

Writing a survey allowed myself to understand what tone of of voice was appropriate. Understanding what the general public thought about first world problems was important.


This research hasn't really helped me work out what tone of voice I should use. The original plan was to use the 'first world problems' as a joke and laugh at ourselves. Upon research and working out where the saying came from it seems a lot more serious than that.

However, using a funny tone to this is still workable, for the audience which will be the first world, it will be ok. 

Friday, 20 February 2015

Workshop - Real Problems

Environment problems - 

Intensive Farming
Nuclear Problems
Climate Change
Environmental War
Climate Change
Resource Depletion

Selected problem to look at - Overpopulation

Looking at medical advances increasing population. Information is from a website called Medical Advances Timeline

'1867 - Joseph Lister publishes Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery, one of the most important developments in medicine. Lister was convinced of the need for cleanliness in the operating room, a revolutionary idea at the time. He develops antiseptic surgical methods, using carbolic acid to clean wounds and surgical instruments. The immediate success of his methods leads to general adoption. In one hospital that adopts his methods, deaths from infection decrease from nearly 60% to just 4%.' 

1879 First vaccine for cholera

1881 First vaccine for anthrax
1882 First vaccine for rabies
1890 Emil von Behring discovers antitoxins and uses them to develop tetanus and diphtheria vaccines.
1896 First vaccine for typhoid fever.
1922 Insulin first used to treat diabetes.

1923 First vaccine for diphtheria
1926 First vaccine for pertussis (whooping cough).
1927 First vaccine for tuberculosis.
1927 First vaccine for tetanus.
1937 Bernard Fantus starts the first blood bank at Cook County Hospital in Chicago, using a 2% solution of sodium citrate to preserve the blood. Refrigerated blood lasts ten days.
1962 First oral polio vaccine (as an alternative to the injected vaccine). 

1964 First vaccine for measles.
1967 First vaccine for mumps.
1967 South African heart surgeon Dr. Christiaan Barnard performs the first human heart transplant.
1970 First vaccine for rubella.
1974 First vaccine for chicken pox.
1977 First vaccine for pneumonia.
1978 First test-tube baby is born in the U.K. - more chance of births now
1978 First vaccine for meningitis.

Read more: Medical Advances Timeline

All the vaccines allow for less death and more life. 
with the first test tube baby being born as well this meant that people weren't able to have kids before, could now. This meant more life as well which leads to overpopulation.
Overpopulation in countries lead to crowding, starvation and poverty. Environmental problems to do directly with the land, the habitats of animals and pollution. 

Proposal for solution.

Purpose - What are we trying to communicate.  
We thought about raising awareness of the overpopulation problems, however we think it would be more useful and have more impact to talk about something a lot more shocking.
The abortion rates and gender imbalance in eastern countries such as India, China and Japan are really shocking. 

Ratio to men to women is shocking

United Kingdom is 1.05 so there is twice as many men to women here
China is 1.12 so there 12 times as many men then to women
India is also 1.12
Georgia is 1.113
Albania is 1.118

Presentation Points

Topic - Environment
Sub topic - Overpopulation
Other things we've looked at - Medical Advances, Chinese 1 child policy, Birth Credits, India Rising rates, Migration, Lack of education
Further Research - Gender imbalance within countries, China and India, Sex - Selective Abortions, Ratio of men to women in countries

Monday, 16 February 2015

Responsive - Secret 7 - Submission/ Evaluation

I submitted both the designs - white and blue - because I thought both were good designs. Some people may prefer a more colourful design rather than just black and white.

This brief was a fun one to work on. Secret 7 had set out good music to work on, it makes it a lot easier to work on when you’re excited and have an idea quite quickly. This is the case with this brief, the song Born Slippy is a classic song that I heard a lot when growing up. So I thought the best way to visualise this is with lasers. They're a really important part to the rave scene; they set the atmosphere and at times are really good to watch. So once that idea was set I knew it wasn't a lot of work to do, apart from working out the colours. That threw me a bit because I always picture lasers as green, however when using that colour it didn't look right. That problem has taught me that sometimes you have to work with a lot of colours before you get to the one that looks right. This brief was a quick one and was quite a lot fun because I wasn’t reading into it too much. There’s no really deep meaning behind the choice of colour and line weight, which I think is good because there didn’t have to be. I think it visually represents the song well. I also chose to put both final designs in because rave is all about colour and brightness, especially when this song came out in the 90s. So submitting a monochrome design dint make a lot of sense, adding the colourful furthered my idea. I am happy I chose to do this brief, it is good to be involved with an actual competition and because it was fun I didn't feel a lot of  pressure for everything to be absolutely perfect.

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Responsive - Evaluation - Sam Fender

Working on Sam's branding was a lot of fun. I had spoken to him about what he was looking for in the way of colours and style, but from that I had free reign. I stuck to what he wanted because obviously that's what he had described. However, from there it was exciting to work out what else he needed to promote him further. Working on the logo was a good experience because it was a simple idea and as long as that was good enough, the other material worked itself out. Luckily Sam has good photography to use, so from that I knew his promo material like posters etc had to be visual. I worked on this brief solid for some time and then came back to it, which was really helpful. Setting fresh eyes on I saw what was missing. I realised his promo pack didn't have to be a tee shirt, tote bag etc, Danny showed me some books with good examples of music and promo packs. Looking through that gave me the idea of wrapping a promo poster around his CD. This cuts down on packaging meaning the distribution would be a lot cheaper.  This brief was also good to work on because I know Sam personally; this helped the ideas behind the design, such as the idea of texture. I know that Sam’s voice is powerful and quite raw which is what I was trying to demonstrate with the lines around his name. I think if I were going to do this brief again, I would try harder to get my own photos, and get in touch with Sam more. This was difficult because he is in Newcastle and a bit hopeless with replying. However, upon finishing this I am happy with what I’ve designed and so is Sam, which is most important.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Responsive - Promo Pack - Sam Fender

Musicians need a small pack to send to people or have out at gigs in order to show the public their music in a easy way. With this promo pack the audience can have a nicely packaged CD and poster. Using the plain poster for the wrap so the fans can google Sam and find out for them selves who is etc.
The stock the two posters have been printed on is a thin grainy stock with a beige colour. This is so costs are down in distribution and the look of the stock is similar to sand, Sam is from the coast which connects well. 

Responsive - CD Holder - Sam Fender

The CD needs to be securely held by something so that it doesn't scratch or get damaged. The use of corrugated card seemed appropriate to demonstrate Sam's strength in his voice but also his rawness as well. When cutting the card and working out how it would open etc, it didn't take to long to realise that it wouldn't work. It would be too chunky and not actually very stable. 

Responsive - Facebook/Web Page - Sam Fender

Sam uses social networking platforms well and this should a good ground for his branding. This mocked up Facebook page is important because this is where he gets most of his audience. 

However, I think it would be useful to make a website for Sam. Allowing him to have his own internet space that would promote upcoming shows, new things in store, new songs and videos. 

Responsive - Promo Material - Sam Fender

Musicians always have merch tables, so applying the logo to merch would allow more promotion and people learning about Sam. Teeshirts are always commercially viable, gigs are good places to get an album or single and a plectrum is personalised with the logo because of Sam being an acoustic guitar player.

Responsive - Posters - Sam Fender

Creating posters and mock tour posters gives the logo context. Making a couple of promotional posters as well has been good to see what they would look like without the dates. 

Luckily Sam has good photos on his Facebook page and I was allowed to use these. They work really well for a poster.

Working out what information is needed and where has to go was good. The photos are very easy to work with, allowing good colours and space for type. 

Final Poster/ Tour Poster

The plain poster has been blurred because the quality of the image is poor at A3 size. However, this makes the type have more hierarchy over the image which is the most important part of the poster.

Responsive - Logo - Sam Fender

In order for this branding to work I had to look at ways that musicians are promoted and what materials to put the logo on. 

The logo

The logo itself was quite easy. Speaking to Sam he said he wanted just black and white and a simple font. I looked at what he had already which was just that. I wanted to add something something to the logo to make it a bit more interesting. 
Being from the coast, I found this typeface called Headline which worked really well. The texture on the letter looks beachy or like a bit of drift wood. 

The original art work is very simple, strong and bold.

A group of compositions, working out what parts to emphasise and the placement. Adding the lines in the letters was  for more detail, however it doesn't work. It wouldn't be readable in small print and makes the design too busy.

Working with the idea of texture to show his coastal heritage and voice I edited some textures and placed it behind the text. 
This wasn't working because it went against the simple black and white design and didn't look very textured.

Lines are used to emphasise his name and bring more attention to that if were put on a poster etc.

The straight lines looked good,  but using this textured line worked a lot better. From this, there is the texture which was needed and it still brings the attention to the name. The lines will separate it from any images or other text which is useful for tour date posters etc.

Final Logo

This logo works well to promote Sam. The texture of the type and lines add another level to the design as well demonstrating Sam's acoustic natural sounding music.