Our group problem to solve was 'How do you find your way around Leeds as a fresher', so with dicsussion we thought of answers to 'Where?', where abouts in Leeds should we concentrate on, 'Why?', why do we need to solve this problem, 'How?' will we solve this and show this and finally what 'Reasearch' should we do.
We decided a small map showing the quickest route to just the College and some near by shops would be the best format to answer this question. This is a five day brief so we thought making the map very specifc to just the route from Liberty Park to the College would allow us to create a good piece of work rather than many average pieces.
Roles in group
We split into 3 pairs and delegated the roles.
- Elliot and I chose to design the initial style and look of the map
- Ryan and Taylor walked to route and took photos for the step by step guide
- Ashley and Joe designed the initial design of the map
After putting our first ideas together we regrouped and voted on the things we liked and disliked and worked on them together.
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