Friday, 22 May 2015

Design Practice Module Evaluation

This last module was a good one to work on because it wasn't as intensive as past ones meaning I had time to work properly and feel I have finished the year successfully. I enjoyed working on a brief with a set research task, because I need practise with researching, but here I think I've used it well. It developed my idea and changed the outcome for Product, Range and Distribution which was interesting to work on. For Covered, I chose a topic I'm already interested in which made working on it fun and I was dedicated to it. This is important to keep in mind for next year, so that I don't get stuck doing briefs I'm not interested in. With the Product, Range and Distribution brief I was inspired to use a lot of colour by Aimee. I don't normally used loads of colour but I think the campaign looked a lot better with a lot more colour. I want to remember this apply it to future work. If I was to work on this module again I would of researched further into publication types for PRD. I had in my head the small book from quite early on, but I think if I had looked at a range of prints and finishes the book could be better. As for covered I'm happy with the finals, however it would of been good if I had ordered the right stock from GF Smith and used that to print on. I also think it was a good move not to screen print, the design didn't need it and it would not of been a good use of time. Next year I hope to work on briefs like I did with this module, I used my time well, I researched effectively, designed work that I like and worked on a topic that really interested me. 

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