Monday, 10 February 2014

Secret 7, Five Mock Ups

These are the five ideas I wanted to develop a bit further.

This idea wasn't really a serious idea it was more some fun. I just found it really funny. Obviously the idea is that it's T Rex's getting it on. I quite liked this drawing and the style I chose but I know it wouldn't work that well on the shelf and to stand out. 

This idea is the developed from the lyrics 'dirty sweet and your my girl'. So I was trying to get across two opposites in a feminine way. I enjoy drawing a lot so wanted to incorporate some drawing into this design. I drew lips to show femininity in a not so obvious way, like lipstick, however I think I could look at other feminine signifiers.

I think if I choose to go down this route I would add more detail and texture to the drawings. Adding more 'dirt' and darker colours to the dirty side and make the pinker sweeter side more vibrant. Then put it onto photoshop to see how I could edit it to further the colours and detail.

For this idea I was thinking of a play on words. T Rex sounds liked 'T wrecks' or a 'wrecked T'. Here I've drawn a literally a wrecked and ruined T to see what that looks like. I chose brown to show decay and age. Although T-Rex never decayed as a band they are old and from talking to people on the course not many people are aware of them. I want to develop this design further.

With this idea I wanted to play around with the music and mark making. T Rex are quite a psychedelic hippy band so wanted to play with paint and see what shapes I could create. I quite like the range of colours and markings thats come from this. Although I'm not sure if I could carry this on a lot. I think I have stronger ideas in the top five I would rather work on.

This was a quick sketch of an idea I was trying to convey. When I listened to the song the idea of possession came through a lot. The song is about love and couples which sounds like possession. So this drawing was the hands creating a space that they will possess. I don't think I really like this idea, it's very difficult to try and draw a word like possession.

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